Here, but not.

A few of you know that I'm very deep into a dragon*con-related project right now. It's not a bad thing - it should hopefully be a very good, very funny thing once it's done - but it's not something I can show on domesticat at the moment. I now comment fairly regularly on the dragoncon livejournal community, and I don't want random people from that community to randomly come here and have one of the upcoming surprises for this year's convention spoiled.

This project is eating my brain cells like snacky-cakes at the moment. I can't quite make my brain get over the hurt of understanding that someone actually felt the need to take the time to use computer morphing to determine what the children of a couple of Babylon 5 characters would look like.Nor the massive amounts of slash fiction I've accidentally stumbled on to.

Nor the disturbing levels of fandom I've seen for Star Trek.

I can only echo the conclusion of Triumph The Insult Comic Dog: these people are not getting even the little tiniest bit of sex. Normally I don't demean the hobbies of others, but the pages I've found on the web speak of just an unholy obsession with television or movie franchises coupled with a tenuous, tenuous, tenuous hold on reality.

At dragon*con, by nature of my job, I'm pretty safely insulated from what we call the "fanboys" - the people (usually young men) whose lives revolve around their interest in a show. There's a difference between a casual fan and a fanboy; a difference that's best saved for an entry written before midnight, when my brain isn't jello and screaming for a cup of tea, and my mouth not yawning open in an attempt to catch floating molecules of sleep.

For now - I'm here, and I'm working pretty feverishly on this project. I'll see your emails and your comments; chances are good that I'll respond to whatever's said here. Emails to me will be dicey as always.

Explanation soon, I promise. This is gonna be good.