Planning the sewing room

Assuming the freecycler I've heard from comes through, I'll be getting rid of the old sofa and love seat in the Room Of Many Purposes within the next few days. We think the room was originally supposed to be a formal dining room; it has a chair rail and is open to the living room. We aren't 'formal dining room' people, so we tossed in couches and put in a few rickety bookshelves and called it the reading room.

I'm starting the process of revamping it into a sewing room, so the messes of my quiltmaking -- which are spread throughout the house right now -- can be condensed into a single room. I'm having a fun time thinking about what I want to do in there, though. I've never gotten to design a room just for me. Just for creativity! It feels disturbingly luxurious.

What do I want to do with it? There are a few definites:

  • 8’ table for quilt pinning. Bonus if it’s a folding table
  • Smaller table as a permanent home for the sewing machine
  • Mount the 4’x8’ foam board to back wall as a design board (if it could be taken down easily, all the better)
  • Some way that a single person could hoist finished quilts up for photographing
  • Better lighting overall - will probably need lamps or additional lighting sources.
  • Bulbs in the ceiling fan changed to color-neutral ones for photography
  • Strong shelves for crafty books
  • Storage for knitting and sewing supplies
  • Fabric storage
  • Storage allowing me to keep works-in-progress separated

as well as a few ideas I'm kicking around:

  • Pegboard and hooks for scissors, rotary cutters, templates, etc
  • White area for photographing pieces. Bonus if it has grey and black cards visible for photoshop work.
  • Glue yardstick or measuring tape to big table for easy measuring.

I'll want the two tables (the big one as well as the smaller desk-like one) to be close to an electrical outlet, because some of my quilts require me to have my laptop open to follow the tiling patterns. Or, heck, sometimes I just want to stream music or a movie.

I think my treasured blue rocker needs to take up residence in this room, over by the window, as a comfy place to read, think, and plan. It could be my place to stare at the design wall and contemplate what I want to do next.

My kitchen table has been claimed by quilting supplies for the past two years. I think it's time.


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