Cue Joe Walsh lyrics

This way is as appropriate as any to make the introduction:

M: "So, what are you doing?"
A: "Heading to the gym. Time to get my run in for the day."
M: "What's Jeff doing?"
A: "Polishing his trumpet."
"That sounds really … dirty. Don't you think you should be … helping him with that?"
A: "No, I think that's really a one-person job."

Yep, that's Mary, and that exchange has been somewhat typical of my life in the past month.

"But where the hell have you been?" you're bellowing at your screen. "You disappear for a month and all we get is a six-line quotation from a phone call as your way of saying 'Sorry for flaking out on you'"?

Yep, pretty much.

* * * * *

I've been having a bit of a crisis of conscience regarding this site ever since I got home from Colorado. I've been writing for this site for nearly five years now, and in those five years I've done a surprisingly thorough job of chronicling my life-up-to-now. If you've been reading, and have stuck around for a while, you have a comprehensive idea of the factors that conspired and colluded with the roots of my personality to create the person I am today.

Instead of writing about living life in the past month, I've actually been out living it. Each night I would come home (well, 99% of the time I came home, but that one time was at Mary's insistence, honest!) and think, "I should write…" and my hands would still, my words silence, the moment I sat down in front of a keyboard.

Some people can write about all aspects of their personal lives on a public website and share them with the world. I cannot, and will not. Five years of writing here has taught me that I must pick and choose what I share, and there is one aspect of my life that is absolutely, utterly, and without question off-limits: my marriage & relationship with Jeff.

I'll say this much:

  1. Damn, but life's been good lately.
  2. …but can I get the goodness with maybe a smidge less sleep deprivation? I'd appreciate it.