
church of the bytecode god

I won't even bother telling you about the chunk of code that provoked this entry, but I will tell you that it's only 14 lines long. I've known since last night that it was the source of the truly evil and cyclical timezone-related bug in the new check-in system for techops, but I didn't know how to fix it. Not without hard-coding in dates, anyway (a massive no-no since the dates for dragon*con change every year).A friend, who shall remain nameless, was a generally cheerful IM companion all through my attempts to sort out the mess.

part b) of spam

Jeff rightfully pointed out that porn, while supposedly the seedy underbelly (there's a bad pun in there somewhere, I just know it) of this interweb thingy, is also quite possibly one of the most [only?] profitable sectors.

We were driving back from Rick's on one of those zero-traffic nights where the space between your friend's house and your own gives you more time to converse than is probably good for you. We'd spent part of the night's socialization talking about various spam-stopping methods, which of course led to the discussions of the worst/most disturbing spams we've each received.

Granted, I have a nice little antispam program that munges any and all HTML in emails it thinks are spam; therefore, I can open such spams as catch my eye and look at them without worry of being tracked, logged, bugged, spied upon, or just generally bothered.

Bisexual Hot Chicks and the Porn Principle

Wow! Gentle readers, we have yet another winner in the "pester me once and I'll ignore you, pester me twice, and I post your words on my website and my friends make ruthless fun of you" category known as "stupid IM transcripts." That and, quite frankly, it's a Monday, and as we all know, at least 90% of all funny jokes are not funny on Mondays.

Thus, we do what we must to make the Monday bearable.

Here's a fun one: "porn."

So, what the hell, with a new design, why not shake things up a little bit?

I heard tell from one of my friends this evening that one of said friend's co-workers got caught having porn shipped to him at work. Now, there's something to be said for at least aspiring to get up from the bottom of the food chain. Come on, having porn mags shipped to you at work? You've gotta be kidding me. In today's environment, that's begging for a lawsuit.

Repeat after me: people never cease to amaze me. Really, they don't. I wake up every morning and I actually wonder what in the world my fellow carbon-based life forms are gonna come up with to amuse me today. They never fail to impress me. The previous paragraph is my example for today.

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